Hello All,
The ARPA: CCASP First Review Deadline is now Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at Midnight, not Monday, August 16, 2021 at noon. If you want to get reviewed and potentially funded by the end of the month you need to submit by Wednesday, August 18th at midnight. You can submit any time after that date while funds are still available, but you will not be in the first round of reviews. Please see the attached updated Funding Notification Dates.
We just wanted to let you know the State is undergoing an information technology update that may impact the NH Connections Information System. This much needed update will ultimately be a real asset to our efficiency and effectiveness, but like all change, it may slow us down temporarily.
We are hoping that any support tickets that you have submitted will be addressed quickly, but please be patient if they take us longer than usual. Further, while we are aiming to meet our original notification timeline starting the week of August 23rd, there is a possibility of a delay. We will keep you posted.
This update process will not impact your ability to submit your Letter of Intent or application – so go for it!