Welcome to the Job Manager Page for the New Hampshire Child Care Job Board
What is the New Hampshire Child Care Job Board (NHCCJB)?
The NHCCJB is the centralized job posting site for child care jobs across the state. It is linked directly by URL to the public awareness campaign and recruiting events promoting job opportunities in Early Childhood, Head Start, and Out-of-School Time programs (birth through elementary school) across the state of New Hampshire. Most of these positions are in direct child care or educational programs. They may include roles such as teaching assistants to teachers, camp counselors (see additional information below) and support staff, such as cooks, bus drivers and others. In addition, you will find management-level jobs. NHCCJB is not for other critical roles such as interventionists, human resources staff, summer overnight or part-day weekly camp staff, larger organization Executive Directors (that include non-child care programs), nannies, babysitters, etc.
This one source for applicants will be widely publicized. However, we strongly encourage you to also post positions on the sites listed in the resources below along with your own website. In addition, send out notices of openings to your families (parents can be great employees or offer referrals). We invite you check back to see the “Finding Child Care Staff in New Hampshire Toolkit” available for additional workforce resources, which is coming soon!
What are the program qualifications for posting on the Job Board?
To post a position on the New Hampshire Child Care Job Board you must be one of the following:
• a New Hampshire-based Licensed Child Care Program, Family Child Care Program or Out-of-School Time Program
• a Licensed-Exempt Facility (enrolled in the New Hampshire Child Care Scholarship Program)
• a New Hampshire-based Early Head Start or Head Start Program
• a licensed border state program with 60% of your enrollment being children that reside in New Hampshire (verification will be necessary)
• a New Hampshire based summer DAY camp program that is licensed by the state (as a summer camp or child care) and offers a full-day child care component and consistently operates for the full summer.
Looking to post a job?
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**Please note job postings and account approvals may take up to 48 business hours to complete.**
For Step by Step Instructions on how to post, edit or remove your position click here
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